City of Health – Cáceres
The Bioincubator is an initiative of the Regional Ministry of Economy, Science, and the Digital Agenda which is administered by the General Secretariat of Science, Technology, Innovation, and the University and by Extremadura Avante, S.L.U., in order to create, attract, and incubate innovative and technologically based companies in the field of biotechnology, biochemistry, molecular biology, and bioengineering related to the technological domains contemplated in the specialisation strategy of Extremadura (RIS3).
It is a project designed to promote the modernisation of the productive fabric by encouraging innovative projects and the consolidation of technologically based companies of the region in the field of life and health sciences within the strategic framework of the faith placed in the location and specialisation of the City of Health of Extremadura.
This project promotes technological transfers in the sector and encourages the resources available in the region in the form of infrastructures, financing, internationalisation, support for R&D&I, networks, communication, and promotion. All these are tools of Extremadura Avante which seek to consolidate the strategy of specialisation and to adapt its policies to the demands of new business models and market opportunities.
The main objective of the Bioincubator of the City of Health of Cáceres is the creation of added value for the region, stimulating investment and the business initiatives of innovative companies based on knowledge.
The major axis will be the promotion of innovative projects, the implementation of support services, and the acceleration of companies based on knowledge or with scientific/technological needs and a business vocation, the aim of which is generating products, services, or processes of added value in the field of health sciences.
This comprehensive composition of resources guarantees the business fabric with a cohesive service which encourages the level of competitiveness, boosts the transfer of technology, contributes to development and business investment in R+D+I, encourages business cooperation, promotes the capturing of talent, and optimises the use of infrastructures and capital goods which are a reference in the region, consolidating a strategic sector for Extremadura in the field of life and health sciences on setting in motion an infrastructure of high added value.

Support in attracting resources to boost R&D&I
Financial consolidation
Institutional connections
Support in the search for commercial agreements with national and international partners
The main objective of the Bioincubator is the design, start-up and management of an infrastructure based on high capacities, great added value and business potential for the region. Its main axis is the promotion of innovative projects, the implementation of support services and the acceleration of companies based on knowledge, and/or with scientific or technological needs and a business vocation in order to generate value-added products, services or processes in the field of health sciences.
Support in the creation of technology-based business that transfer to the market the relevant national and international results.
Support to leading companies in biotechnology that seek to improve and innovate in their processes, services or products, especially in the health sciences sector.
Promote the attraction of talent, knowledge-based employment fixation, to favor the change in the production model and guarantee specialization.

We want to position Extremadura as a benchmark in the health sciences sector in the field of biotechnology, biochemistry, molecular biology and bioengineering, according to Extremadura’s specialization strategy (RIS3).
We seek to increase the number of biotech companies and the number of specialized jobs.
Consolidate an attractive location for technology-based companies that generate employment based on technological risk assumption and scalable potential.
Complement the leading agents in the sector; such as universities, health systems, technology centers, companies, investors, associations, administration and citizens in a specialized framework with a range of possibilities for growth at the regional, national and international levels in the life and health sciences sector.